So much going on right now. Summer is always so busy. There is no rhyme or reason to my post today. Just some things I want to share......
I WON! I'm so excited. I won a giveaway over at Leslie's Blog - Spoonful of Everything. I hardly ever win anything. This was a real blessing. I got a beautiful tin with scenes from Maryland which will go great in my beach room. I got an adorable little cupcake embroidery kit. There was also a cookbook, Happy Everything: A year full of fun recipes, written by Leslie herself. (Watch out friends and family, there is a Cherry Walnut Christmas bread recipe that will make a great loaf cake gift). And the pièce de résistance....a gift card to Michael's. Look out yarn section, here I come. I've been wanting some new yarn colors for a couple of projects I'm getting ready to start. This was very timely. Thanks, Leslie for the wonderful gifts!

I WON! I'm so excited. I won a giveaway over at Leslie's Blog - Spoonful of Everything. I hardly ever win anything. This was a real blessing. I got a beautiful tin with scenes from Maryland which will go great in my beach room. I got an adorable little cupcake embroidery kit. There was also a cookbook, Happy Everything: A year full of fun recipes, written by Leslie herself. (Watch out friends and family, there is a Cherry Walnut Christmas bread recipe that will make a great loaf cake gift). And the pièce de résistance....a gift card to Michael's. Look out yarn section, here I come. I've been wanting some new yarn colors for a couple of projects I'm getting ready to start. This was very timely. Thanks, Leslie for the wonderful gifts!
Tuesday, my hubby started a new job cooking at a local breakfast/lunch counter that is just 3 minutes from our house. Talk about a gas savings. The only bad thing is he is not here to remind me "Are you going to eat lunch?" everyday. I have a tendency to forget. But his first day at work was Tuesday....he wasn't here at lunch time...I didn't mean to do it...well, actually I did. It probably wasn't a very healthy lunch, but I couldn't resist. Here is what I had for lunch that day....
I finally found a frame for my collage picture I had made at Walmart after spending time with my son and his family at the lake. I hung it and the picture of the small lighthouse somebody built on the point. I went ahead and hung them, but I'm going to take the sconces down and paint them white to match the frame. My sister is bringing me a lighthouse shelf to incorporate into this setting when she comes down again. But for now, at least I have my picture hanging up.
Speaking of pictures, here is one of my favorite pictures. It is me and my sister, Rachel. (I'm the youngest one in the picture). Look at our curls...all natural. I was mad because I didn't want to wear any shoes. I haven't changed a bit. I still don't like to wear shoes. I wear flip flops if at all possible and kick them off while I'm sitting and nobody can see.
Do you have areas around your house that are comforting. Something that you can just look at and it brings you peace, contentment or happiness. Here is one of my happy areas. Hubby bought me the Royal Dalton Old English Roses tea set one Valentines Day. The frame is a gift from my sister.The book is an 1850 edition of The Book of Friendship. Those are my Papaw Eden's glasses on top of the book.
Another one of my favorite spots is my little bookshelf that my niece Amy gave me. It contains gifts from various family members as well as some of my collection of old antique books. I love setting in the chair beside it and reading by the light of the candle lamp. It's very cozy.
Yesterday, I posted my first ever on-line Pampered Chef party. The party runs through July 27th. If you will post a link on your blog or facebook page and leave me a comment of where you posted the link, you will be registered to win the NEW Scoop and Drain. Just post this link on your facebook or blog
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.