I have one of the best mothers in the world. She has taught us all so much over the years. She is one of the most courageous women I know. Over the years she has beat colon cancer, an aneurysm, and most recently breast cancer. She has done all this with courage and faith.
She raised four children who love her dearly and have very fond memories of all the things she has done for us over the years.
She took us to church and raised us to know the Lord. She has always set an example of being a good Christian woman. Even though we went to church every single Sunday growing up, Mom did not get saved until I was 16. But she had set such a good example and lived such a good life that when she got saved, a woman that had known her for years said to me "I was so surprised when your mom got saved. She is such a good woman that I thought she was already a Christian." What a wonderful testimony of her life and the way she was raising us.
The years have gone by so fast and even though we don't see each other like I would like, Mom has been the cornerstone that keeps us all together. She raised four children who are still close in heart even though we live miles apart. Any time I visit, she tries to get as many of us together as she can.
This is me and Mom on her 80th birthday. My sister, Rachel, brought her down for a week for us to celebrate her 80th birthday.
It was one of the best weeks.
Even at 80 she was still going strong. We ate at some of her favorite places down here.
And spent the entire 7 days just hanging out and being girls.
Now she will be 84 in June and she just beat breast cancer. She is still going strong. We are so blessed to have her with us and expect her to be around many more years.

I love you Mommy. I hope you have the best Mother's Day ever.