Not so sure what is so good about a Monday morning, but Good Morning anyway. Check out my little snack plate I got at Target this weekend. I love anything with cute little bees. I have been B to my family since my first niece learned to talk about 1976. So when I saw this, I just had to have it.
I try to pick up anything unique that is a bee but the only thing I've found in the past year was this cute little tea candle holder. I'm going to have to start keeping my eyes open.

I changed my blog template today. I just love Lee Lou Blogs. She always has awesome blog layouts and her templates are very easy to switch in Blogger.
I love computers and have always been fairly tech savvy on learning new things and running new programs. But I was thinking this morning that it is strange that as much as I love working on computers and learning new things to do, I have never once thought about teaching myself how to design my own templates. I tried to do a search for a tutorial and found so many that I was overwhelmed. Anybody have any ideas? I use Blogger so I need a tutorial for how to create templates for it.
On another note, it is so good to see April bringing some sunshine our way. It's supposed to get up in the 60's today. That will be fantastic.
For those of you on spring break, hope you have a fun filled week.