Saturday did start off with some snow flurries in my part of the county. My daughter posted this pic showing the snow and the fall leaves.

Not to be outdone, my son posted this pic of his snow just on the other side of the account. If this was a competition, I would have to say he wins.

I was going to a Christmas crafting party Saturday night and took cookies. I had this cupcake stand and decided to make it festive. I simply cut some Christmas scrapbook paper to use as doilies.
We just had popcorn, cookies, cheese & crackers, rice krispy treats and punch. It made for a perfect snack.
We had several tables set up to hold our craft items, like material...
....and trim....
...and yarn.
We set up work stations around the outer walls so we could hot glue and iron as we worked on our various projects.
We jumped from table to table to help each other along as well.
Then we had a table where we displayed are finished products.
Kristi's Rudolph and Clarisse tea towels were a huge hit.
We all loved Theresa's yarn ornaments.
I even got created a Thirty-One swatch coaster on the spot.
As for me, I loved my candy jar ... especially since I get to eat the candy in it. These make for great "thinking of you" gifts.
I made another one, but haven't put anything in it yet.
I made a tea towel stocking. Upon inspection I noticed one of the designs on the stocking was so dark it looks like a spot under the stocking top.
I love my little no sew doily. I am going to put it on a stand with all my pencil Santa's on it.
I love the "peppermint" yarn. I want to make some more of these.
But my favorite was this little picture. I Googled Christmas subway art and printed this off in a 4 x 6 picture on cream card stock. The frame is one of those little plastic frames for just $1. Then I glued on a bow and button. I am going to do some more of these!
All in all it was a great craft time.
My thankful thought for today is that I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends to hang out with who share the same interests I do.