Yesterday was filled with ice and rain. A salt truck slid off the road but no one was injured.

Trees were laden down with ice and in one area, close to 4000 people lost power. It got down in the 20's last night and roads were expected to freeze again so I guess I won't be trekking over to Oak Ridge for the Estate Sale.
Hubby was off so neither of us had to leave the house yesterday. We stayed in where it was nice and warm....and DRY! We had picked up some cinnamon rolls at Food City for our breakfast and they were delicious.
Thursday we had lunch at Steak and Shake to enjoy some date time since we knew our normal day of running errands on Friday wouldn't happen. Lunch was delicious.
And we splurged for the Oreo ice cream sandwich for dessert. But I guess at .99 cents it wasn't that big of a splurge. He didn't even ask for two spoons so I ate it all...every myself! Yum! Heaven.
We went to Hobby Lobby and I picked up some foam hearts for Pre-K Sunday School to decorate some Valentine 'mailboxes' they are going to make Sunday.
Speaking of you ever buy any of the Conversation Hearts that are a symbol of Valentine's Day.
I know it is the season of Love when I see those true love and cutie pie hearts I've been munching on since I was a young girl.
I still have a habit of reading one before I eat it (by the way, I eat ALL the orange ones before starting on the other colors.) As I was reading them yesterday, I had to chuckle that even Conversation Hearts have moved into the world of technology. I may be getting old and losing my memory, but I would swear we never had "Friend Me" or "Text Me" on any of our hearts growing up.
My favorite one was the DREAM BIG that I saw in my little box yesterday. My words for this year are BELIEVE and DREAM. Instead of setting resolutions or goals, I have actually set my dreams for what I want to achieve this year. You have to have a dream or a vision and then believe in yourself before you can achieve it. So I really liked this heart.
On another note, one of my big things I am believing in this year is that I can make my Thirty-One business a success. So I took this little bulletin board and created my Believe Board. It is working out better than anything I have ever tried. It has little photos and posters of incentives I have won from Thirty-One and incentives I am working toward. It has pictures of things I would like to do with my success from Thirty-One and things on my wish list I would like to have.
I just finished book six in the Fool's Gold series by Susan Mallery. I have just recently started reading her books and I am loving her writing talent. I started book 7 last night and can already tell it will be a good as the next one.
Sometime this weekend I may pop over to our local Home Accent store. It has changed a lot since it first opened. It is 100,000 square feet with individual booths. And about 2/3's of it is now featuring antiques at awesome prices. I have seen Pyrex there in antique booths at thrift store prices. So it is on my to-do list this weekend.
I want to price tablecloths while I'm out today. I am so over the winter one, but my spring one has been around for several years ad I'm kind of over it as well. I'm still wanting to find one that looks vintage but I decided to keep my table full size so I'm pretty sure finding a vintage one that big will be next to impossible. So I'm just going with something springy.
Have a great Saturday.