
In loving memory

In loving memory of my daddy
Luther (Luke) Harden Garretson
July 31, 1923 - January 25, 1999
That little dash between the dates represents a lifetime of love, moments of memories so etched in my mind they will never fade. This is one little girl who loves her daddy with every breath she takes. Though he's been gone 11 years, not one moment of my life with him has been forgotten, not one laugh we shared is gone. I see his features and personality in other members of our family and know that his legacy will live on for generations to come.
So from Mom, me, Rachel, Jack, Andy, your eleven beautiful grandchildren, and your ten precious great grandchildren, we all love you and miss you with every beat of our heart.
If Tears Could Build A Stairway
And Memories A Lane
I’d Walk Right Up To Heaven
And Bring You Home Again.