My sister sent me a pic yesterday of her new dishtowel. I love it. She picked it up at Kroger. I need to head over to my Kroger and see if they have one.
I love how she put it on her mixer. Check out her little bean pot she keeps her cutlery in. That is a cute idea. I'm going to have to look for a bean pot now.
Speaking of dishtowels.....I saw this on E-bay yesterday. I fell in love with it. It looks very vintage, but it is actually a material made in the USA called Moda Fabric. Love this whole display. I have never seen this Pyrex bowl before. It needs to go on my wish list.
Speaking of Pyrex.....Did you know there are vintage dishes out there called Pyrex England. I did not know that Pyrex was made there, nor did I know that English Pyrex are different patterns than we have in the U.S.
Speaking of Pyrex England.....I did some research and found out that there is also Pyrex Australia. Wouldn't you love to get your hands on some of these patterns?
Speaking of patterns.....I was visiting yesterday and saw a pattern for these cute pin cushions made from yo yo's. What a neat idea.
Speaking of yo yo's.....That reminds me that I haven't crafted in awhile and that reminds me that I haven't finished my sisters box.

(Sis, my grandson Garret and my brother-in-law Dale)
Speaking of my Sister.....I guess her sending me a picture of the dishtowels triggered my guilt over not finishing her box. So I guess I am going to get off here and go work on her box.