I hope everybody had a great Christmas. Hubby worked on Christmas eve for half a day. That meant I had to do all the cooking for the family Christmas gathering that night. But if I do say so myself, it turned out pretty good. I wish I had taken before and after pictures. He would have had a heart attack had he seen the disorganized mess his kitchen was in. But I got it all accomplished and cleaned up. When he got home from work, the kids were all here and everything was ready. Whew! I wasn't sure I could pull it off. I have some things to share with you since I haven't updated you these past couple of days.
Sunday I received some nice gifts from the teachers in our Pre-K class that I help out in. I fell in love with this Christmas shovel. It is just too cute.
I got the ultimate cookbook. COOKIES! I can't wait to try out some of the new recipes. The cookie plate will come in handy on those long January snowy days when I feel like baking. And I am starting out 2013 with a new angel looking over my shoulder. She is going to find a home in my office to inspire me to be a better person and reach the goals I set for myself.
Christmas eve at unwrapping time is the one time that all five grandkids gather together and sit still.

The grandchildren got me some awesome fuzzy warm socks and a gorgeous charm bracelet and a pair of earrings. I loved it all. And the fine print on my heart charm says "Born to Rule". There will be no living with me now. I am queen.
Right when we were getting ready to open presents, someone walked up to the door. It was my mail lady. She was still out making deliveries after 7 pm on Christmas eve. She had me a box from a lady in my Pyrex4Trade Facebook group. It was the pink pie plate. It was gorgeous.
Christmas morning I get up earlier than hubby and get the heat going (we sleep with it cooler at night). I make his coffee and spend some time quietly looking at the tree with nothing but the Christmas lights on. I reflect on the meaning of the celebration, the memories of Christmas's past and think about how blessed I am to have family close enough for them all to be here on Christmas eve. Then I start getting excited about all the presents that aren't open and I go get him up.
I got my warm jammies and fuzzy wild house shoes and lots of other goodies. But he blew me away with the last gift I opened. The third piece to my Colonial Mist Cinderella set. I was so excited. I actually shrieked a little. One more piece to go. I told him he needs to get some research going because the anniversary of our first date is coming up in January! Seriously, I was so happy with this. It made my Christmas even more perfect than it already was.
Now it is back to the daily grind. After 5 days off work, I am thinking I better work today through Friday and then take my trees down and get my house back in order. Did you all have a nice Christmas?