I am so exhausted today. Five days at the beach. Five days of relaxing and unwinding. Five wonderful, glorious, fun filled days. Then a 7 hour drive home and an all nighter of unpacking.
Love the trip. Hated the putting everything up part when I got home. But happy to say I did find a new piece of Pyrex while I was gone. There is a place I always go called Homespun Crafters Mall that is the best kept secret in Surfside Beach, just a few mile away from Myrtle Beach. It is full of vintage items, handmade items, home decor, fabric and much more. I will share some of my finds with you later, but today I want to share the Pyrex excitement.
I was looking for several items and one was anything in the Shenandoah pattern. I spotted this baby on a bottom shelf inside a stack of bowls. I don't like to go over $15 for a piece I really, really want but have been known to spend as high as $20 (rarely, but I have done it). So I bent down, picked it up and held my breath. The price? A mere $7.00 so I snatched it up so fast it would make your head spin. When I got done shopping, I went up front to pay. As she went to ring it up, she said my favorite words in the world....."This is on sale 20% off" . That's right. I got this baby for $5.60!!!!
I just about screamed with excitement right there at the register. Is this a deal or what?