I am such a typical grandmother. Give me a grandchild and I'll get my camera. I kept my son's three children Saturday night and I had a blast. And in true grandmother fashion, I had to snap many photos of the baby. I don't know what it is about grandparents and the "baby" but we go a little crazy with the photos. I guess we always assume this could be the last one. Well, in our case, Colby is the last of the grandchildren. He was our fifth one. And what a precious little guy he is. His eyes just twinkle.
He has one of those smiles that just causes you to smile right back. Such cute little baby cheeks.
It's hard to believe he will be a year old come October. They just grow up way to fast. He crawls all over the place and is starting to take those tentative steps. But when he realizes how fast he can get where he's going by crawling, he just drops and takes off.
This is the first time he has spent the night since he started to crawl and he has discovered the toy box. His little body flew over there and pulled up to investigate.
He loves cars and trucks so when he saw the little container of Matchbox cars, he made a beeline for them.
And in true grandchild fashion proceeded to dump the whole container on the floor to check out.
Poor little guy gets stuck with a pink high chair at Mamaw's house. When the fourth grandchild arrived, we had a hard time fitting around the kitchen table so I went to Kmart and purchased an inexpensive high chair. The only one they had was pink and our fourth was a girl, so no biggy. Since we didn't realize God would bless us with another little boy a couple of years later, Colby got stuck with a pink high chair. But he loves sitting in it and entertains himself very easy while I was helping Papaw get supper ready. I was afraid he might try to pull up at the stove and the oven was on. Of course, I had to stop about every 5 minutes to pick up his blocks and cars.
Thought I'd try to get some good pictures before church, but I'm always running late when I have to get more than just myself ready. I mentioned to my daughter one-time that any time I keep any of the grandchildren, I wonder how I ever managed with twins. She is always so sweet to point out that I wasn't 54 when I had twins. But I did pretty good yesterday. Got us all fed and ready and out the door 2 minutes ahead of schedule....even got a few good picture. Colby is crazy about his big brother Garret. And you can tell by the smile on Garret's face that the feeling is mutual.
Here's Colby with his big sister, Alexis. We had to take this one about 3 times before I could see her face in the photo. Colby has this thing about grabbing a handfill of her hair. Everytime I would go to shoot the pic, he pull her hair across her face. By the time I finally got one, she was having a fit of giggles and had us all laughing.
Then I decided since we were on a roll to see if I could get all three of them in picture with everybody smiling a natural smile and not one of those comical fake ones they are prone to do at time. Got this one on the first try. I couldn't be more thrilled.
I was able to take all five of my grandbabies to church with me yesterday morning. What a blessed way to start out grandparents day yesterday. I wanted to get a picture of all of them together but that is always so hard to do so here are my other two, Caleb and Shelby. I am just crazy about ALL my grandbabies.