Here are some fun Friday photos from my little home town of Barboursville, WV. This is the "old bridge" which no longer exists. They tore it down and built a new one. When I was growing up, it was a wood floor and we would have to walk across it to go to the doctor. It was so scary.

This was Ezra Ward in his store. Not even sure what kind of store he had, I just knew when we went to visit my Aunt Frances, we would sometimes go in there and get candy and gum.

This was the train tracks that ran right through the middle of town. The C & O had a reclamation plant right in town and if the train coming through was one that had to get weighed, you could be stuck waiting on it to go through for a long time.

Allen and I met in 1981 at our job at Sturm Machine. Later that fall, they did company photos. Somebody posted this on Facebook recently. I had forgotten all about these pictures. This is all the guys in the machine shop. That is my hubby front row, 4th from the right.

And this was the office staff, That is me on the second row, two to the right of the guy in the middle in the red jacket. He was our president, Charles Walker. I could remember 35 of the names in the picture below and about 18 of the ones in the shop guys picture above. Not a bad memory for 35 years ago.

I love old pictures.