
Lessons I've learned....

Friday Foto Friends

For 5 years, I was an Independent Consultant for Thirty-One. I had the time of my life and enjoyed it so much. But at the end of December, I convinced myself it was the right thing to do to give it up and step away. I told myself how much time I invested in it and how it just wasn't worth it. So I signed the termination papers and gave it up for what I thought was good reasons. 

BUT....I realize now the following no-no.....

Don't make decisions when you have come off two months of working 10 and 12 hour days (making reservations, greeting groups, working the doors and greeting at the pre-show doors), having Thanksgiving, going to Christmas gatherings, organizing a Christmas parade, helping out in Children's church, doing your Christmas shopping, decorating your house, doing tons of baking, and wrapping Christmas presents.

I was beyond exhausted when I made that decision and I thought it was the right one until a series of events happened. First, I filled out my form and sent it to home office to terminate. Then I realized a couple weeks later it was in my in my draft folder in my email. Then I opened it up and re-read it to make sure I filled it out right. Then I realized I didn't actually sign the bottom of the last page. Then I couldn't sign my original and scan it to actually send it because I had gotten rid of my printer and hadn't had a chance to get a new one yet. My plan was to fax it on my way to work one day and I kept forgetting it. 

Next thing I new, it was the last weekend in January and I still hadn't officially "quit" Thirty-One even though I didn't do anything for my business the entire month of January. I also realized after only working 2 days a week during our dark days at work, I was really refreshed. My house was organized and I didn't feel so overwhelmed. So I started second guessing myself. I sat down and ran numbers of my sales over the past 5 years instead of just the past 6 months. I looked at pics of the past three conferences I had went to and looked at all the copious notes I took on how to have a successful business. 

And I started to realize one thing...I didn't really want to give up all the wonderful fun times I had and all the chances to earn free products, meet new people and make new friends. Yet, I was a little skittish to take that first step and actually go for it.

Until I walked into Sunday School last Sunday. Three different people stopped me to ask if Thirty-One still had something like the All In Caddy. They each want to order one. These ladies are not related and none of the three really know each other except for passing in the hall at church. And the fun thing is the fact that the bag they want is the February special for $8 if they spend $35. Which was ironic because when I decided not to give up my business, the first thing I planned to buy was this very same bag. So now they all want a catalog so they can place an order. I am reactivating my website today, ordering new catalogs and scheduling a launch party at my house for the new spring catalog that started on February 1st. I also found out that at National Conference this year we can schedule a time to take a tour of home office so I am super excited about that. I'm going to love meeting some of the very folks I have talked to and emailed with this past five years. 

The moral of my story is this...Sometimes it IS better to put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Had that letter went out the first time I emailed it, I would have had to wait one year before I could ever reactivate and sign back up. It all ended up like it should have.