Sometimes I get a little sensitive and I take things that are said the wrong way. Sometimes, I just let it pass and go on but sometimes it just really bugs me.

I recently found a Facebook group that is Pyrex group that shares their good finds and they sometimes offer items for trade. They are a wonderful group and I have seen Pyrex on there that I didn't even know existed. I loved the group....until the other day.
I am blown away at the amount of Pyrex some of the members in the group have collected. I posted a pic of my measly little collection.

I said I had just started collecting so I didn't have much yet and that the bottom three items are not Pyrex, but I like them anyway. My collection was found at yard sales and I never paid more than $1.00 for any of it. Some of it was a gift.
A man in the group posted this remark about the picture:
That blue bar code casserole with the lid looks in good beginners luck!!
I thought the "total beginners luck" sounded a tad on the snide side, but it may not have been so I commented back that it was in great shape and was a gift from a friend of mine I met through church. I said I had never seen that pattern and found out later it was really rare. She had found it at a yard sale.
Then he comes back with:
Well, we're all very happy for you but just so you know...stuff like that never happens in real life....
Well, dude, it does 'cause it did. What a jerk.
On the brighter side, I have seen some awesome Pyrex and Fire King pieces in the group that I have never seen before.

I definitely need to branch out and look in some neighboring thrift store. Our local ones never have any good stuff like this. Yet so many collectors find their stuff at thrift stores.