We are coming into the busy season of the year. I was thinking ahead to what all is coming up and I am thinking I may have to go back to bed to get rested up for the rest of the year.
It starts Saturday morning with my Thirty-One bi-monthly meeting. I can't wait to see what goodies are in store for us for the holiday specials.
After I get done with my meeting, I am picking up Alexis, Caleb and Shelby to go to Trunk-or-Treat at our church. We always have lots of candy for the kids, good fun, music, hot dogs, popcorn and the train ride for the kids.

Caleb called me the other day and said he had great news for me. It turns out he volunteered me to make cupcakes for his class for their Halloween party. Good thing I like to bake and that he has a small class this year. Just 15 kids. I think I will try to make some like these.
Then of course, Halloween arrives with all the little trick-or-treaters. I will buy some candy and leave my porch light on, but I don't look to have many if any. Last year, we had just moved to the neighborhood a few days before Halloween and didn't know anybody. But now that we have met our neighbors, maybe we will get a few.
The first of November is going to be the launch for my Thirty-One Wish List gathering. I'm preparing my list for my invites and getting packets put together ready to mail.
I have company coming to town in November and we are planning an entire day of antiquing. Hope to find some good Pyrex deals.

The kids are out of school for election day so I am going to spend the day with three of my grandchildren. I'm not sure what we are going to get into, but I know it will be fun.
As many of you all know, I love Saturdays for shopping. My daughter and I go on a regular basis, even if it is just to window shop and get out of the house. But between her work and various commitments, it has been at least 3 or 4 weeks since we have went shopping. It looks like it is going to be a couple more weeks before we get a chance to go, but I know we are wanting to squeeze a trip to Turkey Creek into our schedule pretty soon.
It is that time when hubby and I start stocking up the pantry for our family Thanksgiving dinner. So there will be several trips to Food City, Kroger and Walmart in our future.
Then, of course, the joyful day for Thanksgiving. All that good food, browsing the ads for Friday sales, and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
That is always when we celebrate my daughter-in-laws birthday. It won't be long and she will deciding what her birthday "cake" will be. We have changed that to birthday dessert because not everybody picks cake. Last year, she picked the Reece Peanut Butter Brownie Trifle. Can't wait to see what she picks for this year.

I am starting to look forward and plan for Black Friday. Not everybody loves Black Friday and to each their own. I have actually had a so-called friend who made me feel like I was less of a person because I shopped on Black Friday. She does most of her shopping online, but that is her prerogative just like going shopping on Black Friday is mine. I love it so please don't steal my joy just because you don't.

I also have to pick up my Christmas cards soon. I like addressing them on Sunday afternoon after Thanksgiving while I'm relaxing around the house after two days of shopping.
I usually put my tree up within the first few days of September and decorate the house for Christmas. My little poinsettia basket that Mamaw Eden bought me 50 years ago is always the first thing to be set out.
We have already started practicing for our Christmas program at church which falls during December.
The morning we do our Christmas program, I have an afternoon meeting with Thirty-One for the new spring premier sneak peek. I can't wait. Should be an exciting day.
My twins have a birthday in December and 3 days after theirs I have mine so we always get together sometime during that time to celebrate. It all hinges on hunting draws for my son as to when we get together.
Shadrack's Christmas Light show comes to the Smokies Stadium in December and I want to squeeze some time in to go to it. I have never been, but hope to go this year.
I am on the parade committee for the Kodak Community Christmas Parade. We already have some participants signed up. Last year was the first year and it was a big success for such a small community. I can't wait for this years.

If we get a chance, Hubby and I want to go on one of his nights off over to Dollywood to see the Christmas lights. I love walking around looking at the lights and drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows.
Sometime amidst all the festivities, I need to bake my annual orange cookies and chocolate cookies. As well as make fudge and various other baked goods, depending on what I'm craving.
Then of course I need to find time to wrap presents for the family and the ones that I send off to Mom.
Sometime in December will be the Secret Sister exchange at church. I received a lot of goodies last year. I can't wait for the reveal this year to see who my secret sister has been.
But nothing compares to the thrill of our family gathering at our house on Christmas Eve. It is the highlight of the season.
Well, I guess you can tell I'm going to be busy from now through Christmas. But I look at it this way....it gives me plenty of blog topics!