That moment when you are going through closet containers and you had out some scissors earlier and you stumble across a mug tree that you keep sticking back in storage because you don't like it with your mugs but you hate to get rid of it and don't know what to do with it and inspiration hits. Next thing you know you finally have a use for the mug tree.....
The next day, you decide to see what other uses there are for mug trees since you were so brilliant in thinking this up. So you go to Pinterest only to find out you weren't so brilliant after all. Others have had the same idea...
And the ones you see have the scissors hanging better than yours and you realize brown isn't going to get it and now you know that you are going to need to paint yours.
And then you stumble on this idea and realize how many bracelets you have and how much you really hate to paint. Then you think about how it would have to be painted for bracelets too and you remember once again that you hate to paint.
So you decide maybe you will just get rid of the stupid mug tree and not have to make any decisions about what to do with.