Facebook has this awesome function called "See your memories". It randomly pops up to show you what you posted a year, two years, or even more years ago on your page. This popped up today. it was from this date in 2014. The girls were staying all night and they decided they wanted to try to bake something.

They opted for brownies but wanted to try making brownie waffles and brownie donuts. This was the result. We all gave the donuts a thumbs up but swore we would never try to do the waffles again. It was a mess.

So when that popped up this morning, it put me in the mood for brownies. I remembered I had some in the cabinet. So I whipped up a batch around 6:30.
I got about a dozen made when I realized I needed to be getting ready for work.
So I put the rest of the mix in my Pyrex cake pans and took one to work. They turned out great and hit the spot.