I love this time of year. So much going on. It is almost Halloween and time for the little ghosts and goblins to frequent our doorstep. We don't get many, if any, trick-or-treaters at our door here. One of my neighbors said she has lived here 6 years and had one trick-or-treater in all that time. But I always buy some candy just in case.
I always go to Trunk-or-Treat at the church. It is one of the few events I get to enjoy that I don't volunteer to help in. I donate cakes for the cake walk as my participation. That way I can walk around and take pictures, see all the costumes, check out the booths and listen to the music. And my favorite...have a hotdog off the grill and a cold Coke.

Once November 1st hits, I am ready for Thanksgiving. I start making my menu and taking stock of our staples in the pantry so we can start picking up a few things here and there like frozen or canned items. I have already started gathering for my decor. I have some harvest items I like to do a little display with. I have them on the sidelines, waiting to come out.
My yard sale finds this summer were at three different times and it hit me the other day that I could do some type of display with the small vintage platter from 1935, the brown cloth napkin and my little pilgrims that I love. I have an orange candle, but I think I want a different type candle and to spruce it up with some raffia or something. Stand by for future posts on how this display turns out.
I love my copper pot. I have no idea where it will go, but I thought it was "fallish" so it will be in one of my Thanksgiving settings. i need to shine it up some, but there are some pit marks and wear and tear that I think just adds vintage character to it.
I have got to get busy making my no-sew table runners and scarves. I have two different pieces of material for Thanksgiving and one that I love for Christmas.
You remember I have been collecting Christmas mugs for my big Wish List event. This was one I picked up at a local antique store for .25 cents. I was in a hurry that day and failed to notice a small chip in the rim right above the handle. I don't like to throw anything away so I have decided this will go on my desk as my pencil holder for the Christmas holidays. I love repurposing items. So does Ms. Hanna at Pyrex Thifter Sisters. Check out her post on Repurposing.
I have a couple of bread cloths that I picked up at yard sales this summer. I can't wait to use these at Christmas.
I went through my material and found all my Christmas material I had bought and never used for anything. I think I will make some little no sew table scarves to give as Christmas gifts with a little candy dish and candle. Except for Charlie Brown Christmas. That is going to be made into a tree skirt for my Charlie Brown Christmas tree that goes in the kitchen every year.
I think I am going to make handmade tags for some of my gifts this year. I saw this on Etsy and thought it was really cute.
I saw this idea somewhere and thought it would be so cute. I found some vintage Christmas music sheets on Etsy that I may just have to order. Fifteen sheets for $5. Not a bad price.
I think I feel a craft day coming on sometime soon. Need to get started so I don't let the time get away from me again this year.