
What an amazing day.....

Friday was the experience of a lifetime. I was hesitant about going to an open zoo where you drive your vehicle and the animals roam free, but I decided to take three of the grandchildren and give it a shot.
 Circle G Ranch is a 105 acre, 3 mile drive - thru exotic animal park located in Strawberry Plains, TN. I was told that the animals roam free (fenced in only around the total enclosure) and they would come up close so you could see them. I seriously figured that it would just be a 3 mile scenic drive and we would see some animals scattered around. It was nothing like I expected. The animals literally were roaming free. I thought at times I was in foreign countries since we would have to stop for Watusi Cattle or Pot-bellied pigs to cross the road. Garret (the oldest) was in charge of the camera and he got 147 pictures. Don't sweat, I'm not going to show them all. But here were some of my favorites. We rolled the windows down to get pictures but when an animal decided to come real close, the windows went up. Emu's abound on this farm and if they caught your window down, they wanted in. Alexis spent most of the day saying "Hey, guys, Emu alert. Roll up the windows." We were in hubby's truck. The vehicle you will see were the people in front of us who actually bought the special food so they could feed the animals. Uh, no way!

Do you think these turkeys are advertising executives planning a billboard campaign of "Eat more pig"?