It started on Friday morning when I got up and starting making little gift bags for the door prizes for my Thirty-One Flip Flops and Friendship gathering.
Then I packed up everything, including the flower arrangements for the tables. Of course I packed everything in my Thirty-One bags.
I took off work early to get ready for everything. Since it was a flip flop theme, I decided to try something I saw on Pinterest. So I bought some Nutter Butter cookies.
I spread them on a cookie sheet.
And using gel piping I started pulling lines from the middle up and the middle down to the other side.
The finished product was supposed to look like a flip flop.
So I added a candy pearl to the top.
Ended up with a lot of edible flip flops that turned out just fine.
The girls got me a sweet gift for putting the dinner together.
I have been looking for one of these soap dispensers so needless to say I was thrilled.
My friend, Kellie, has a cri-cut machine that cuts final so she has been decorating glasses. I got one from her as a gift that night.
Everybody knows me as the Queen of Flip Flops.
I had a yard sale Saturday and had 3 tables with vintage items on them. After the 3rd customer, this was all that was left. Pyrex and vintage are two magic words for yard sales.
After the yard sale, a very good friend and her daughter stopped by with one of those gifts that take you by surprise.

They had been somewhere and saw this and thought of me. They just knew I would love it. Thank you Beth and Maddi for my lovely gift.

I had some of my earth tone Pyrex in my yard sale. But I came home from work on Thursday and had new linoleum in the kitchen. Now my pastel tablecloth and pastel decor just doesn't cut it. So I went back into my yard sale stuff and swapped the pastels for the earth tones and the rich blues and reds. I will go through my tablecloths to see which one goes best with the new look.

A couple of ladies came by my yard sale Saturday with some trades we were doing. I am thrilled to be the proud owner of the Woodland mixing bowls. Now just to find the 404 size.
Not sure who makes this pattern, but I had planned this trade a while back and am glad to get it. I love this pattern.
Sunday was Mother's Day at church and then hubby took me out for the day. After we got home, I just vegged out and had a light supper and spent the rest of the evening on the couch. It was a great weekend.