As we grow older, our bodies change. We put on weight. We have aches and pains in places where we didn't even know we had places. We start to wonder "What would it be like to get out of bed and be able to move without stiffness?" To literally "run" out to the mailbox and be able to breathe when we get there.
Someone asked this question yesterday: Satchel Paige asked, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” So, how old would you be?
I would be forever 25. Forget the aches and pains for a moment. Don't sweat how much you weigh. In your mind, how old do you act? Are you in your 50's but act like you are approaching 90? Do your actions and words label you as "old before your time". Or do you continue to enjoy life to the fullest? Do you go after the brass ring and rejoice when you grab it?
Life is not about age. It is about what you do with the moments you have. I will be forever 25. Old enough to be an adult when I need to be, but young enough to play when I want. I actually bought a jump rope a few years back and would jump with the grandsons. Now the granddaughters are older, I'm going to buy another one this summer along with a set of jacks so I can teach them how to play.
If I stay 25, I can still get down in the floor and get back up again, despite the aches and pains. I can still throw my head back in laughter at something I find humor in without worrying about what people will say. I can still go, go, go, go. I don't' have to stay home and become a couch potato.
If I stay 25, I can find the joy in simple things. Like swinging a hula hoop around my waste or twirling a baton in the air. I can still get in the floor to play cars and truck or wonder around the room playing zoo with the grandsons. I can still have tea parties and watch cartoons with the granddaughters.
If I stay 25, I'm still thin and attractive to my husband. And yes, ladies, if I stay 25, I'm still sexy. If I stay 25, I can know that I need to watch what I eat, but I can splurge occasionally.
If I stay 25, I can color my hair simply because I want a new shade or some highlights. I will age gracefully. I will agree that time is drawing a road map on my face with wrinkles and crinkles. But in my mind, I will always be 25. The wrinkles are just the joy marks of the wonderful life I have lead by always being 25.