
Stichery Appliques

As we move into 2011, people think of their New Year's Resolutions. We see so many resolutions made and not followed through. That is why this year, I am making New Year's Decisions. A resolution makes me think of a determination to "try" to do something. A decision on the other hand is an active resolve to, as Nike says, Just Do It!

One of my New Year's Decisions is to spend more time on crafting. I love to craft and have a lot of craft "stuff" but end up letting my work day carry over into my fun time. So effective January 1st, I will no longer check emails or work on work after supper. That will be my craft times. One thing I love doing, but got away from is primitive stitching type items.

I just visited http://www.patternhutch.com/ on line and can't wait to run up there to look at all the new patterns. Here are some that caught my fancy that I need to get:

I want these cool chicks, but don't want to put the love goddess or lovebirds on them. Not sure what they will go on, but love them anyway. I may have to do 3 new t-shirts for spring. One chick for Mom, one for Rachel and one for me.

These little quackers just looked to adorable to resist. Thought I could do one per t-shirt for the grandbabies. I can always reduce the pattern size on my copier to get it small enough for their shirts. Every time they visit, they like to walk down to the river to see the ducks that hang out there. Thought these would be appropriate for the kids. And talk about easy to do!

With my new obsession about cats and whimsical birds, this one was a no brainer (Ms. Debbie, do you need the pine tree/cardinal one if I get this?)

I'm not planning on trying my hand at making an apron, but Mom likes to make them. I may have her make an apron so I can put the coffee mug on it.

These fat cats are so cool. But I would change out for different material. I don't know why, but I'm thinking whimsical on so much stuff this year. It must be my new "thing" for 2011.

These pillows are the cutest things I've every seen. Look at the hodge-podge of material they used. These are really neat.

Love this pin cushion. I won't need a pattern for this. I just want to make it.