Music is a great passion of mine. From Conway
Twitty and Porter Wagoner to Keith Urban and Kenny
Chesney. I love everything from Beethoven to the Beatles, from Cher to
Bon Jovi. I love music. I love rolling my car window down, cranking up the Eagles and listening to Take it to the Limit. But none touches my heart or soothes my soul like good old Southern gospel. Nothing can heal pain, relieve stress, or give you hope any better than songs whose lyrics include "He fought the battle. I've won." or "Sometimes He calms the storm; sometimes He calms me." And who can't be moved by Vestal Goodman as she belts out "God Walks the Dark Hills." Or The
Hinson's as they sing "The Lighthouse". Can anyone sit dry-eyed through Squire Parsons as he sings Beulah Land"? As you attend church this morning and join in the singing, remember the words from Psalm 100:1-2.
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.