I am getting things gathered up for our annual yard sale in May. As I go through the house cleaning, I find myself looking at doodads and knick knacks, thinking "I really don't need that. I never use it" or "I'm tired of looking at that."
I pick it up to put it in the yard sale box only to hold it in my hand and fondly remember where it came from and what it means to me. So it goes back on the shelf to collect dust for another day.
I have always been a huge fan of carousels. We went to Camden Park in West Virginia just about every summer when I was a little girl. I loved the carousel horses with all their gloss and shine. The vivid colors drew me as did the music coming from the ride.
About 25 years ago, I decided to collect carousel horses. As time went on, I grew out of that collectible phase. I didn't have a lot and I would occasionally put one in the yard sale. I have one left. And it was the first one that was given to me as a gift.
My mother got it for me for my birthday that year. I fell in love with it. It is a music box and rocks back and forth when it plays. Over the years, I have thought many times that it doesn't go with any of my current decor. I moved it from shelf to shelf over the years trying to find a place where it would be displayed prominently.
Now, I know my mother or any mother doesn't expect their child to keep everything they ever buy them. But I remember Mom's joy when she presented me with this newest addition to my collection.
As I sat here last night, trying to decide if it was time to just put it in the yard sale, I could picture Mom handing it to me with such delight on her face as I unwrapped. Then other pictures started to emerge.
I remembered when we built our house, putting it in a position of honor in my brand new bookshelves in my brand new house.
I remembered Garret spotting it when he was about 2 and wanting to see it. I would wind it for him and he would sit and raptly watch it and listen to it's lyrical sounds.
I remembered Caleb coming along and how he would go get it off the shelf and bring it to me and say "Wind it Mamaw".
I remembered Alexis discovering it and getting it off the shelf and bringing it to me. I remember the sweet smile on her precious face as she would sit and watch it rock and I would have to wind it over and over again.
I remembered Caleb and Alexis getting it down and winding it and saying "Shelby, watch."
I remembered Shelby standing their with binky in her mouth quietly absorbed in the sweet sounds and gentle rocks of the carousel horse.
Just as recently as Christmas eve when they were all over and the excitement of Christmas was upon them. I remembered standing in the door way and Alexis asking Caleb to wind the horse. He so gently got it down and carefully wound it up.
I remember all four of them for those few brief moments, stopping to watch it as it rocked back and forth.
So is it time to part with it? I think not. Too many wonderful memories go with this sweet carousel horse that I had resigned to a shelf that holds knick knacks I don't know where else to put.
With a precious new grandbaby on the way, how can I part with something that gives my grandchildren such joy and deprive our new one from delighting in it.
I think we will be finding a new place to display this great horse in all her splendor. I think she will be with our family for generations to come.