Well, it's Monday. Time to start that week long process of surviving. Why are Monday's so hard? It's like starting all over again. Each Monday brings with it the challenges of a new week. We have to check our calendars to see what appointments we have scheduled. We need to plan our week for what work we will work on. We are exhausted and tired from the weekend. We need a shot of energy to get going.
By Tuesday, it is a little better. You have caught up with the messages and emails that came in since you left on Friday. You are beginning to work on the task list you have for this week. You are at that "almost done with yesterdays catch up" stage.
By Wednesday morning, you are feeling much more into your routine. You have accepted the fact that work is a part of your life and you are required to show up and perform your duties, no matter how you feel. By Wednesday afternoon, you have been able to mark many things off your to do list. You can see the end of the tunnel and know that freedom is just a couple of days away.
By Thursday, you realize that you need to buckle down and finish out your tasks for the week. You need to have Friday open for unexpected things that come up as the week draws to a close.
By Friday, you are feeling more refreshed than you ever do on Monday mornings. You know the madness of your week is about over. You are looking forward to two glorious days of relaxing with your family. You are counting the hours until 5:00 as you hurriedly process any last tasks that require immediate attention. Come 5:00, armed with your pay check and a thrill that the weekend is here, you clock out and head home. Secure in the knowledge that for two whole days, you don't have to worry about "this place" at all.
But watch out, Monday is just around the corner AGAIN.