This past weekend we had a retreat for our local Thirty-One team. I believe there were 12 of us there if I am counting right. The view from our condos was awesome. We stayed at Apple View in Sevierville.
We split up into two condos. Here are some pictures of the one I was in.
I forgot to take pictures, but we hosted breakfast in our condo on Saturday morning. In addition to the continental breakfast our leader placed in each room, my friend Kristen made some out of this world sausage balls and I fixed the cinnamon roll french toast casserole. It was a huge success.
I love the settee as well. It sat on an angled wall and I just thought that was neat.
We had an awesome balcony, which of course I had to go out on every morning as the sun was rising.
The rive out back was beautiful and off in the distance you could see the mountains, but you can't see them very good in this picture.
We had a little checker set but we stayed so busy that we didn't play it any.
One night. I stayed up later than everyone else so I snuggled on the couch with the fireplace on and read my book until I got sleepy.
The decor was really cute. I love the little magazine rack of all things. I need to check out Hobby Lobby and Old Time Pottery to see if they have any cute racks.
We got to pick our bedrooms and they had one that was sorta vintage looking and I claimed it. I loved the little chair in it.
And this was the bed. You know how I love quilts.
Check out the headboard made with a shutter.
We had some awesome food. This was our taco bar Saturday night. Friday night was pizza and snacks. Saturday lunch was sandwiches.
We received some awesome training and I finally got to see our newest purse in person. I want to get one in the camel color. Now that I saw it in person, I really, really want one. Look like a goal for my hostess reward for my upcoming party.
Here are a few of the girls cutting out magazine photos for the vision boards we made. This was some of our down time.
It was great to mix training with some girl time with these ladies.
I was in charge of crafts (go figure). We made the Easter egg wreath and these dry erase picture frames. Our bows were out of swatches of Thirty-One fabrics from our old patterns.

I was really surprised that I received a thank you gift for doing the crafts. I love these. And of course, our leader, Colleen knows I love the word believe.
We all got a door prize and I picked this warm blanket. You know I just love blankies.
This was taken our last night after our final training in our jammies. We had a couple that had other obligations so they missed the finale. But we had a blast with each other all weekend.
End the weekend with breakfast at the Applewood Restaurant at the Apple Barn. It was delicious. Kristen and I are early risers so once we got ready, we had some spare time before we were all to meet there. So we headed on over and visited the candy store (I bought my favorite milk chocolate orange creams). Then we went to the Christmas shop there and the General Store. I picked up some popcorn salt and some of their apple butter. I am going back this weekend to get a bread basket that I have been regretting that I didn't get it then.
On the way home, my daughter called and invited me to go to Golden Corral later that afternoon with her and the kids. Shelby was going to participate in Cookies and Canvas painting event. So I went home and unpacked and she picked me up around 1:30 to head over there. It was really neat watching them get taught how to paint.

Shelby was proud of her first attempt. It was rather unique.

I think I crashed on the couch about 8:30 Sunday night and woke up at 3:30 to finally get up and get in my own bed. It was a fabulous weekend but I am here to tell you even though we never left our condos until it was over, it was exhausting. I wouldn't trade it for the world.