I have started dropping my quarters in the change jar to save for yard sale season. I love to go to yard sales, but I'm pretty thrifty with what I will buy. I will pay as much as $3 or $4 if it is something I want really bad and is in good shape. Like the time I got three hats for our Pre-K Sunday School class for a total of $4.00

But I really love it when I find a bargain for $1 or less. I was looking around the house the other day and realized I had gotten some good deals last year. Everything in this picture I got for $1 or less. My favorite was the Hazel Atlas coffee cup for .75 cents. I had two but my sister was down last fall and fell in love with them...and she drinks coffee...and she collects vintage...and she has turquoise in her kitchen...and she's my big sister so needless to say I only have one now.
I just adored this little candy dish and couldn't pass it us as one of my $1 deals.
My best finds were these vintage bowls. The best one was the Pyrex Gooseberry. It was only about quarter or .50 cents. I can't remember which. The other two are a FireKing and a Glasbake and they were under $1 as well.
Hope I have as good of luck this year.