If I were a magazine cover this morning, I would be displaying this lovely lady in her beautiful dress strolling on the beach along with a byline of how wonderful and stress free her life is and what she does to keep it that way. But in real life we both know I am never going to look like this and I am going to have stress just like everybody does. So telling me her story will probably inspire me for a nano second until the real world invades.
Then a little smaller on the side, I would urge you to lose weight and stay healthy with some new diet fad or exercise craze. But in real life, I am starting to walk. I downloaded a pedometer to my phone and started my walking Monday. Here are my results. So happy with myself. Would have walked more but it started to sprinkle. Was going to walk yesterday and the minute I pulled in the driveway it started raining and it is raining hard this morning. The magazines don't tell you to check your weather forecast for the week before you start the life changing walking routine.

The next item on the cover is always a delicious dessert guaranteed to make you come back from said walk and eat 50# of chocolate. I would put this on my magazine cover....

....except the candy bowl is on MY desk and it is the only reason that I even go to work.

Have a great Wednesday