It's that time of year when we start preparing for Easter. With just a week to go, menus are being planned, Easter dresses and new shoes are being purchased. Baskets are being purchased, eggs are being colored and plans for the day are being made. All in celebration for that one special day.
As we approach Palm Sunday and the jubilation that the people felt when Jesus rode into Jerusalem, my mind begins to wonder. What was He feeling? He knew what lay ahead at the end of the week. He knew how much suffering there was in store for him. Yet, He gladly carried on with the task the Father had set before him. You have to wonder what was going on in His mind. Not once did He drag His feet and say "I'm not going to do it. I don't want to go." It would have been easy to stay where He was. To continue to live a life where people adored Him, where they brought their troubles to Him. Yet, He humbly carried out the orders of His Father.
Yes, Easter is a time to celebrate. He is Risen. He is Lord. He is the King of Kings. But on that one day, riding on a donkey, being treated with love and respect, you have to wonder what He was thinking. Did He want to scream out in angst and agony and warn them. Did He want to say "This is not going to turn out the way you think." Did He want to warn them how much suffering He was getting ready to endure before He arose in sweet victory?
No, He rejoiced. He knew what was getting ready to happen and He was ready. The big moment was just days away. He had been preparing His whole life for the one moment He hung on that cross on that hill. The one single moment when time stood still and He took OUR place.