Yesterday was an amazing day. It is the National Quartet Convention in Pigeon Forge, TN and the Dixie Stampede offered a special show for the convention attendees. Since Southern gospel is a favorite of many, especially Baptist Churches, we had several Baptist church groups who attended. Each group starts out with a group photo. We had one church that was waiting on their pastor to park the bus and we talked them into performing I'll Fly Away and we joined in with them. It was really cool.

But the best part was the standard Dixie Stampede show started 30 minutes earlier than usual so the Tribute Quartet could perform (this video is not from yesterday, just one I like by them). Since I am a greeter on some days, I got to actually attend their performance. It was amazing.
As a greeter, I always get to see the first 20 or 30 minutes of the show. Which means I usually get to see my favorite act....the buffalo. Then I go back into the arena later in the show and pass out survey cards. It is an amazing job and I love the days I'm on schedule as a greeter. This is by far the most fun job I have ever had. After 41 years of office work, this is a very welcome change. I love being around the people and getting to meet them and assist them. If you have never seen the Dixie Stampede in Pigeon Forge, you should check it out if you are ever in the area. Here are some highlights.
Guess you can see now why I love my job. Getting to see parts of the show every day and sometimes 2-3 times a day never gets old. It's amazing.