
Odds and ends

My mind is just full of all kinds of odds and ends today. But I am getting nowhere fast. I am working on the last two items from my 17 item to do list. One is prepping crafts for VBS. Sat down to work on that and it involved cutting some foam and my trigger finger it locking up this morning so I had to quit that. I got about 15 of 60 cut out.

No biggie. I also needed to sort the stickers for one of the crafts. I presort into quart freezer bags per class so I don't have to count them out before craft time. Went to get started and only had a couple of bags so I couldn't do the sorting yet. 

So I thought. Forget it. I will make a pan of brownies with Peanut Butter Milky Way frosting. Turns out what I thought was a package of brownie mix was a white cake mix and I ended up only having two Milky Ways. Scratch that idea.

I did find a dunkin' stick to go with the Milky Ways. I may just have to microwave the candy on top the dunkin' stick. I do that a lot. It is a sugar rush but oh my goodness it is divine gooey goodness.

Still in the mood to make something I decided on simple and easy peanut butter candy like the picture below from last time I made it. Just takes sugar, milk, butter, vanilla and peanut butter. Takes 10 minutes to make and 5 minutes to set up. Easy peasy. 

Until I went to get the sugar canister and remembered I forgot sugar at the store the other day. UGH!

But in my foraging through the cabinet, I did find cookie mix that just requires a couple of teaspoons of oil and water. Finally, something sweet I can make to snack on today. 

Hope you are having a great day.