I had such a busy full weekend that I can't believe what all I was able to accomplish. My daughter and I went shopping at 8:00 Saturday morning and didn't get back home until 8:00 Saturday evening. Our last stop was Jersey Mike's at the University Common to pick up a sub sandwich to take home. As we were leaving, I noticed a glow up ahead and a lot of steam. It was a Christmas Train parked for a Christmas excursion. You rarely see old steam engines any more so I had to stop and get a picture. I just fell in love with this.
When I got home, a Fed Ex box was on the porch. It was from Thirty-One and had the order in it from the last party I held. It was fun to see all the neat things people will be getting for Christmas.
One of the items that was offered was a Mystery Gift. I couldn't decide so I ordered it then my daughter decided to buy it from me. I was excited to see what she was getting. Then when I saw it, I knew she would be thrilled she purchased it. She got a tablet organizer, a lunch tote and a wristlet....all in a pattern she loves. I was very happy for her.
I had purchased the add-on kit that had arrived earlier in the week. I am in love with the new wallet in their new Jewell line.
Check out all the compartments. This is awesome.
I also got this cute little purse that I can't wait to carry this spring. It has a lot more room in it than I thought it would.
Thirty-One has a new product of pockets that you can hang on your wall to get organized. I love these and can't wait to use them.
I'm really excited about the new spring line. Because my hostess had such a good party I earned $332.00 in free products. Check out what is being shipped to me for FREE before the end of the year. Thirty-One is so fantastic about allowing us to earn free product. I invested $99 in this career about 3 years ago and it was the best investment every. If I counted up all the free stuff I have earned in the past 3 years it would total more than $3,000 - $4,000. They are that good to us. I have signed up one new recruit under me and have one more possibly signing up in January. My goal in 2015 is to grow my business. I have earned that much for free and have had only about 5 or 6 parties each year. And most of those weren't even parties, I just took up an order from people I knew. Best company ever to work for.

Sunday I went to church with my son and his family. My granddaughter Alexis was in their Christmas play. She did awesome. She played a Mom and did an excellent job. She looked so cute, but unfortunately my phone had died so I didn't get to take a picture. She had her hair in a bun and a house coat on. It was just too cute. I really enjoyed the play. It was awesome.

When I got home, I started right in on my orange cookies. They are made 100% from scratch and so is the icing. At this point, I had already made 32 cookies and look how much batter was left.
They turned out really good and for the most part were pretty uniform in shape and size. Baking them is not the hard part. Putting the icing on was the most time consuming.
Oh, but they are so worth the work. It made 80 cookies this year. But only 78 survived. While I was putting the icing on, a couple of them accidentally fell into my mouth. Yummy!

I also made my son some no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies and I made Reese's peanut butter fudge. But I never did take pictures of them. Keep in mind, I started my baking and cooking at 1:30. Sometime around 5:30, I took a break and fixed me some bacon and eggs for supper. That was the first time I had ever made bacon in the oven. It turned out delicious.

When I got done with all that I started wrapping presents. I had not wrapped a thing yet and the family will be over on Wednesday to unwrap. By 8:30 the baking was done, supper was over and cleaned up, and I had all my presents wrapped.
I love a day when I feel like I have accomplished something.