I sit here in my garden and I turn my eyes to God.
I see Him in the blue sky and the green grass that I trod.
I feel His touch in the warm air as it breezes o’er my skin.
I know that I am not alone; I’m walking with my Friend.
He’s always there beside me, no matter where I go.
His love will ever guide me down the rough and rocky road.
He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
He’s my rock and my salvation. He’s I AM and my Friend.
His love is everlasting, by faith I know His grace.
One sweet day in heaven, I will look upon His face.
He’ll say “Welcome home my child; your journeys at an end.”
And I will spend eternity, just walking with my Friend.
Walking with my Friend copyright owned by Brenda Keefer. Please do not copy with permission.