Sometimes I just have to take some time and relax in front of the computer to see what interesting things I can find. This little picture is so true. Some of my favorite things to do include browsing through book stores. I get lost and forget all about time.

In my recent foray onto Pinterest, I found this cute manicure. One of these days I am going to bite the bullet and get a beautiful manicure.
I don't know what it is about the color gray, but I really like it in a decorating theme any more. I love this gray and white. The wicker/rattan sets it off but I would add a pop of some bright color to it.
I am addicted to doing just one nail in glittery silver. I did it for National Conference and I did it a couple of times since then. I love this smokey gray.
I love this deep orange. I am going to look for some this weekend and do it with the one finger of silver glittery.
I have still not been able to find a complete set of vintage Melmac dishes. I would love to find something like this.
I'm going to the beach pretty soon and I want some pretty foot jewelry to wear when we take our evening walk on the beach. For the life of me, I can't remember what these are called so I can't google it to order them. Anybody know what they are called?
I love going to the beach this time of year because it is a good way to relax before the crazy fall/winter season sets in.
Speaking of winter, we were at Old Time Pottery the other day and I am in love with some of their new Christmas items. Check out this tan and red burlap Christmas chain. Isn't this neat?
And I just adore these little "books". They are gift card holders. These would be cute to put a book store gift card in.
These tin Christmas ornaments also open up to hold gift cards.
As do these little boxes.
There is one aisle that I'm going to have to go visit on a regular bases. I love Christmas tins and Christmas boxes. They have a huge selection.
And it is both sides of the aisle.
As you can see my mind was all over the place this morning. But at least I took you on the journey with me. Have a happy over the hump day.