Today I'm joining Wednesday Hodge Podge over at "From this side of the Pond". Thank you Joyce for some thought provoking questions.
1. Share a favorite song lyric.
I don't have a problem thinking of one; I have a problem thinking of WHICH one. I love music so I have many favorites and they are ever changing. But right now, my favorite lyric and one that really reaches down and touches my heart and soul is from a gospel song titled On the Banks of the Promised Land by Karen Peck and New River. My favorite line says “Hallelujah, what a morning, when I reach for His nail scarred hand. I will go from grace to glory on the banks of the promised land." Nothing picks me up and gives me hope faster than those precious words.
2. When was the last time someone yelled at you?
Well, that's a hard one. I don't come from a family of "yellers". I worked for a company about 3 1/2 years ago who hired a CFO who thought all the employees were redneck hillbillies and he was constantly yelling at everyone because he did not like anything we did. That was the catalyst that caused me to quit after 9 years and start my own business. We should have went to the labor board, but he was the owner's son and we new nothing would be done.
3. Money, fame, happiness...are they mutually exclusive?

I don't believe you need one to have the other and I don't believe that having the money or the fame would lead to the happiness. Money is what it is. You adjust your lifestyle to live within your income. Fame, to me, is something that I do not strive for nor would I want. As long as my family loves me, that is all that I need. As far as happiness, one of my favorite bible verses says it all "Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:" - Philippians 4:11. I am a firm believer that life is what you make it and that we can bring happiness into our lives or we can roll around in the doldrums all the time. It's our choice.
4. What is your favorite dish to prepare for family and friends that doesn't require turning on the stove, oven or an outdoor grill?
Well, I don't cook, but I do manage dessert. So my favorite dish for family and friends would be no bake banana pudding with instant pudding, vanilla wafers, and bananas. See, told you I'm no cook.
5. The first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week. What is one thing you could do this week to simplify your life? Will you do it?
I did not know this. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to think about how I can simplify my life. I am one of those "on the go-always something going on" people and I love it. But one thing that I am struggling with is staying focused and organized on the task at hand. I am the Queen of Lists. I think I will simplify my life by accomplishing at least 5 things every day on my to do list. My list is ever changing and with owning my own business there are always "Things To Do." So if I can knock at least 5 things off my on-going list every day, my life would be much simpler. And yes, if I think I can do it. If I tackle the toughest projects first, the rest will be a piece of cake.
6. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being 100% and 1 being not at all) how tuned in are you to your country's national political scene?
I'm ashamed to say I'm a "middle of the fence" person, so about a 5. Do I care about what's going on? Yes. Can I change anything? No. My hubby stays on top of it all and keeps me posted. If I'm in the living room when the news is on, I might listen to it, but I am more than likely apt to go do something else. Some people criticize me for my lack of interest in politics. But I have never been a big follower of the political scene.
7. What are your final parting words to the month of July?
Goodbye, Goodbye, my sweet July.
Can you please take this blistering heat with you with you go?
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My random thought is "Why can't we all just get along." The world if full of enough grief and pain as it is, why inflict others with hurtful words, unkind thoughts or malicious gossip. If we would be kinder, gentler, more loving, more forgiving, we would all lead much happier lives and the world would be a better place.