These are just some things I have stumbled across on the internet this past week. Thought I would hsare them for your viewing pleasure.
Hubby and I are always trying to find a better place to keep our keys. I love this little plaque with knobs. Talk about easy to make.
I am not an artist but I think I could do this. I love it.
What a great idea. Not just for writing a recipe on, but for writing anything you want on it. There is a local restaurant store around here that sells these little plates. Wonder if you could paint it with chalk paint so you could change out sayings, menus, quotes, etc. for your kitchen. I need to check this out.
If I still had my cat, I would definitely maker her something like this. Talk about comfy cozy for your pet.
I have always loved blue and white seersucker. This is just too adorable.
Super easy, cheap wreath for patriotic holidays. I am going to start stocking up on some craft supplies so I can do some of these ideas I keep getting.
Wish I was a quilter. I love this quilt.
Talk about easy. This is really cute.
Grapevine wreaths is going to be on my list of "check yard sales and thrift stores" for.
I have never seen this in person, but I am absolutely in love with it. Pyrex is a passion of mine and I love variety. This is going on my wish list. This particular set is in Seattle, Washington for $100. A little too pricey for me, but I am going to start checking my local antique stores.
I also saw where someone found a Hazel Atlas pitcher at a thrift store along with a Pyrex cake pan in the dessert dawn color. These are lovely.

We are going to be moving into our new office at work in a few weeks. I hope to have room for some plants. We have lots of windows. I am going to scout yard sales and thrift stores for some vintage planters. I would like to find some in milk glass.
I am heading out today to a local thrift store that I have never been to. Maybe I will find some there.