I can't remember which Christmas cartoon (think it is Frosty) where one of the characters is busy, busy, busy. That is my life at the moment. I am one of those people that thrive on a lot going on. These next few weeks will be a whirlwind of excitement and chaos...and I'm loving every minute of it. The holiday season is so special to me because that is also the time of year I had my precious twins. This was their fourth birthday picture and yes, that is me standing up. But that was 28 years and 60 pounds ago.
In addition to the hoopla of shopping, wrapping presents, decorating, and writing Christmas cards, we have a big birthday bash for their birthday and mine every year. Our birthdays are just 3 days apart and it's a wonderful time for us all to celebrate together.
Over the next few weeks, I have two more church functions (Ladies Night Out & Sunday School Class dinner). We have three more practices for the Christmas program, two nights of putting the program on. We have the big birthday bash and I get to go to Caton's Chapel School to watch Garret and Alexis in the school Christmas program.
Somewhere in my busy schedule, I need to allow some time for work. LOL. How much longer till January?