It was a bitter sweet weekend, but life does go on. We celebrated Allen's life on Friday and the service was beautiful. The eulogy was so perfect and totally described the man he was. My sister, her husband, my niece and her family all came down from WV for the funeral services. We all gathered at my house along with my son and daughter and their families. The girls had a great time playing with their new cousin. Three beautiful little girls.

My sister, brother-in-law, niece and her family all stayed the weekend and kidnapped me for some retail therapy. First stop was Bass Pro Shop so my great-niece could get her picture with Santa.
While we were there, my niece Amy bought me this adorable sign for my kitchen. I am not much on liking to cook, but I could bake 24/7 without any problem. So this was a great sign for my kitchen.

My sister, brother-in-law, niece and her family all stayed the weekend and kidnapped me for some retail therapy. First stop was Bass Pro Shop so my great-niece could get her picture with Santa.
Then it was off to Paula Deen's restaurant at the Island in Pigeon Forge. This is my niece, her daughter and her husband.
I had the best fried chicken ever. The food was delicious.
We had to stop for a photo op with the big bear. I love this picture with my niece and my sister...especially since my big Thirty-One bag blocked my fat tummy.
However, the next picture didn't do much for the fat. My philosophy is that the tree is so big it downplays how much weight I have put on. :)
While we were there, my niece Amy bought me this adorable sign for my kitchen. I am not much on liking to cook, but I could bake 24/7 without any problem. So this was a great sign for my kitchen.
As a matter of fact that was the SECOND gift she gave me. The illusive black and white tulip Pyrex. She found it in her cabinet and asked if I wanted it.'s PYREX. Thank you so much Amy. I love it and my sign.
Next we visited Old Time Pottery where I picked up a few little Christmas decor items.
And I bought the stuff to make this. I came home and made it as soon as I got home that night.

On Sunday after lunch, we made a quick stop at Joann's where I bought this truck and jar and went home and made a little snow scene.
On Sunday morning, my sister and her family along with my sister-in-law Tammi and her daughter (my niece) Sarah all came to church with me. Tammi has been searching for a home church for awhile and she fell in love with my church so at the closing of the service her and Sarah joined our church. So blessed to have her and Sarah in the church family along with being in the family.

I went back to work yesterday. I will always miss my hubby with all my heart and I will forever have those moments where the grief is so intense it is like a stab to the heart. But he always made me promise to continue living and finding the joy in the little things. All he ever wanted was for me to be happy. So I will honor his memory by trying to do that. After all, life does go on.