Friday is my actual day off this week and Monday is the 4th so I lucked into a four day weekend.
I'm going to start it out by going to Pickin' on the Porch for awhile tonight.

On Friday morning, I am going to catch up on my laundry and make sure the house is good and clean for the weekend.
My friend has a 16 year old that participates in the local rodeo. He is constantly winner buckles and trophies. I am thinking about going to see him in action Friday night.

Saturday, my friend Sherrie and I are going to head to McKay's. We are ready for another book swap. The last time I was there, I tried an author I had never read before. I loved her book. I need to see if they have any more by her.
Saturday after we get home, I am going to make some potato salad, deviled eggs and a cake for Sunday.

The kids are both busy this weekend with their in-laws so I'm going to spend Sunday just lazing around the house. I'm going to get some ham to have me a ham sandwich with the potato salad and deviled eggs. Then I plan on just vegging out all day and relaxing. I am declaring Sunday a "no cooking" day.
Monday I plan on going through all my Christmas boxes. They were the last things that need to be downsized in my new place. I had them stored in a friends garage. I picked them up yesterday and plan on going through all that on Monday morning. Then using the rest of the day to work on a few craft projects I have going on that I need to finish. I may look for some place close by to view some fireworks. Then again, I may not. I just know it is going to be a fun weekend.