I got in a little trouble with my daughter when I posted my vintage Christmas. The night before, she had sent me pics of her vintage ornaments on the tree. My mom had the red and blue ornaments on her tree for years. Then she passed them on to me and my daughter took borrowed got them from me when she got married.
She has been decorating this past week and called me Sunday to see if I could make her a no-sew runner for her bar. I had this piece of material and wasn't using it for anything. It made a nice runner. I love her Santa and her centerpiece is gorgeous. Her first craft item she made herself last year.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it or not, but I am getting a routine going with my Pyrex collecting. So far, if it was a good deal, I would buy it...whether I liked the pattern or not and I didn't worry if I would use it. I am glad I did that. Because now, I have some pieces that I am going to try to trade. I joined two groups on Facebook for Pyrex traders and posted the pic of my little bowl that doesn't have any matching bowls with it. I have the mixing bowl set of these and this was a Cinderella one I picked up this summer for a couple of bucks that I don't use.

I had also picked up this carafe that I have never found a lid for. I only paid $1.49 for it.

So I put them in the Facebook trade group and within no time I had traded them both. I traded the little bowl for the second size up of the Cinderella bowl. I am beyond thrilled because I've looked for some of these all summer. I want the entire set in this Colonial Mist pattern. Here's my first piece.
I traded the carafe for a Pyrex pie plate. But not just any Pyrex pie plate...the flamingo pink one. I am so thrilled about this that words cannot describe it. Flamingo pink is very, very rare in my area. When she offered it up for trade, I snatched it up.
I am very thrilled with my trades. I'm heading out to the post office to mail the trades off today and will be watching diligently in my mail box every day till my new items get here. I wanted to share my birthday card with you all that my Sunday School class gave me.
It plays island music when you open it up. Isn't it cute?