From the time I started playing with dolls, I would say I wanted to grow up, get married and have one boy and one girl. That was all I ever wanted.
Since God knew I would only give birth once in my lifetime, He decided to answer my prayers in one precious gift by giving me two baby bundles of joy.
They are my world. I don't always show it and I don't always say it, but I hope they know how much I love them and how proud I am of them. It still tingles my heart when one of them says "Mom". Once you become a grandmother, you tend to forget to tell your "big kids" how special they are to you. But I feel sure they know.
Being the mother of twins is an amazing ride. At times they were so much alike and at times they were as different as night and day.

(My son Chris with his sons and my daughter Diana with her daughter)
Happy birthday to the best children a Mother could ever have.