
Faith filled Friday

Faith Filled Friday

I was listening to some of my favorite Southern Gospel songs last night, while I searched my mind for what to write about. I remembered back when Friday's were my day to write about faith. We are having an awesome Sunday school lesson this coming Sunday about faith. As I was thinking about how to approach this post, this song came on "Oh What a Saviour!"

As they sang the words ...His heart was broken on Calvary; His hands were nail scarred
His side was riven; He gave His life-blood for even me, it got me to thinking. 

I have talked for years about my faith in My Lord. I love the stories of faith in the bible. But something hit me last night. Faith is actually a two way street if you think about it. 

Don't you wonder about the faith God places in us? 

Don't you think that He himself showed great faith in us to send His only Son to die on Calvary that we could go free. He gives us paths to follow and options to take. He allows us to be tempted and trusts us to make the right decisions. He gives us choices and allows us the power to make the right choice. He laid out the perfect plan of salvation with great faith that many would choose the right road when it came time to make a decision. And the thing is, no matter how many millions, or thousands or just even hundreds would choose Him, He would do it all again just to save ONE lost soul. The song says it all when it says "...for even ME." 

So if He had that much faith in us to make the right decision and follow Jesus, shouldn't we in return have an amazing faith in Him? No wonder we sing Oh, What a Saviour