
Christmas Ideas

What a great idea! Give the kids a gift bag on Christmas eve early enough that they can put on new jammies, maybe have a pack of popcorn they can pop and a new movie to watch, book to read, or coloring book and crayons. Something to keep them occupied.

These bottles are similar to Yoo Hoo chocolate drink. Hubby drinks about 4-6 of these a week so I am saving the bottles to make some gift jars with. 

I think I showed you these before but I can't help it. I just love these little guys. 

Adorable. And made with a pickle jar. Something I use about one jar a week.

From a pickle jar! hello dollar store....I am sooo doin this!!:

More pickle jar crafts. Love these.

DIY Crafts | Dress up old pickle jars with spray paint, scrapbook paper, and pretty knobs and use as bathroom storage:

This is very cute if you know someone who does primitive Christmas decor. 

Mason jar filled with jingle bells, cinnamon stix, pine cones. With berry ring and battery operated grunged candle. $17:

This has nothing to do with Christmas other than it glitters.  But oh, I do love this manicure. 

Grey Nail Ideas The Hottest Manicure For Fall:

Happy crafting.