Well, that was a short break that wasn't even a break since I did technically post yesterday. But it was what my brain needed. I spent time yesterday catching up on some work projects, designing a new marketing program for my image consultant clients, cleaning up some old files, reorganizing my desk, scheduling appointments with clients, sending email blasts to my prospect list, getting closure on a personal situation that was trying to steal my joy and organizing Sunday's coupons.
Had a wonderful evening with hubby. He fixed us cheeseburger sliders on the grill and we had them with french fries. Lemon pudding pound cake was the dessert. Delicious. Spent some time setting out on the swing as the sun went down and the temperature dropped. It was very "fallish". The Canadian Geese are arriving in flocks. A sure sign fall is just around the bend. We came back in the house and watched Hawaii 5-0 on demand (I'm usually asleep when it comes on the normal time so we just watch it On Demand when we are ready). Then we spend about an hour on Topix going through some advertisements from our hometown from the 1950's and 60's. It stirred many moments of "Oh, remember when...."

All in all a productive day and a wonderful evening. I slept until 7:00 this morning. Unheard of for me. So I'm refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to tackle the world today.