Country roads. They are the lifeline of America. For all the interstates, highways and byways, it is still the country road that leads us where we want to go.
You wonder how many horses and wagons have graced our country roads before paving and automobiles came into existence. How many young barefoot boys walked across her dusty path to reach the riverbank for an afternoon of fishing with hand made poles and worms dug from their yard.
How many little girls skipped along beside their Mommy as chicken soup was delivered to some elderly neighbor that was feeling poorly.
How many families donned their Sunday best and walked a mile on Sunday to hear the traveling preacher on his one stop a month in their town.
How many picnics were held in the shade of the oak tree as two young lovers sat quietly, holding hands, and just enjoying being together.
It was a slower pace. Times were tough, but people got by. They didn't need the glitz and glitter that we all seem to have today. They didn't have any place to rush off to or anything that had to be done right that minute. There was no satellite TV, no cell phones, no computers. It was simpler times. It was the smell of fried chicken for Sunday dinner and the Grand Ole Opry on the radio on Saturday nights.
The next time life gets to you and you get tired of the hectic pace we live, gas up the car and drive out into the country. Pick a road and see where it leads you. I'm sure you will enjoy the drive.