I have always had a rule that I don't buy things off the internet sight unseen. There was a reason I don't do that. I don't like being disappointed and sometimes that happens when you order sight unseen. However, I broke my rule and ordered some things from E-bay. So far, I have been very pleased with my purchases...until yesterday.
For many years, I have purchased the oversize terry cloth bath pillow for my tub.
They last a long time, fit comfortably on my neck and back and assist with my relaxation time in the tub. They are getting harder and harder to find. Mine started losing air. I would pump it back up before every soak to make sure it had lots of air. But it finally wore out and I had to pitch it.
Well, who would figure it would be so hard to find a replacement. Nobody seems to carry them any more. I was reluctant to buy one from online since I couldn't see it before purchasing. I have tried ones from the Dollar Tree and our local Food City. Nobody else carries them any more. The ones I have tried do not last more than a few soaks and they develop leaks. They are not the large size and they don't have terry cloth. So I found one on E-bay that showed the picture above and described it as "High end, heavy duty, extra large terry bath pillow." Well, I snapped it up and it arrived today.
First off, does it look anything remotely like the picture in the above paragraph? No. Second, do you see anything remotely oversize about this. No. And I can assure you the material is NOT high end, heavy duty. About the only thing true on the description was it does have terry cloth on it. A Flimsy, thin layer of terry cloth. But I inflated it to see what size it would be. It is not even as big as a four pack of bathroom tissue.
You have got to be kidding me. This is so not what I ordered. I am so disappointed. But at a price of $4.12, is it worth my time, effort and shipping to return it? I think not. It will work for now until I find what I want. But in the meantime, I'm a little afraid to order anything online again.
I did order some beads that arrived from Hong Kong the same day as the pillow. Lampwork beads are never exact so I knew they would be a little different, but I like them anyway.
I wasn't as thrilled about the topaz ones. But I have a dress with topaz in it that these would look great with. I like to have an assortment of these lampwork beads and change my Pandora charms around to match my outfit.
All in all, my mail order week has been a love it or leave it relationship.