It's hard to believe a year has already passed us by. One year ago today, we received a most precious gift, our youngest grandchild, Colby James.
We thought both of our children were done having babies, but God thought otherwise. He blessed us with this precious little bundle of joy on October 1, 2010. Check out that head full of hair.
Like most all my grandchildren, he wanted to make an appearance way before it was time for him to arrive. But his Mommy followed the doctors orders and was able to keep him safe and sound until they determined he was ready to be born.
This past year has been such a joy having the new addition in our lives. Our grandchildren are the best gifts our children have ever given us.
He is such a good baby. I love this picture. He was ready to go to church with Mamaw and I couldn't resist snapping his picture.
He always has a happy smile on his face. He really enjoyed his day at the local drive-thru zoo. The potbellied pigs that roamed free kept fascinating him.
It's easy to tell he's crazy about his big brother. Garret can get him happy just by talking to him.
He also adores his big sister. He loves to grab a handful of her long hair. Which, by the way, she just got cut at the shoulders.
He is a typical little boy, loving anything that rolls. He can get into the toy box on his own now and had a blast exploring all the cars he found. It touches my heart to watch him. He is so special to me as they each are in their own ways. But he's the last so he will always be Mamaw's baby no matter how old he is.
Happy 1st birthday, Colby. Mamaw loves you so much.