I got a Cricut Expressions machine yesterday! For just $50.00 used! It is like brand new. Still in the box with all the original packing and paperwork.

It is like brand new. The lady that sold it to me (Nancy) said her sister bought it and used it about 3 or 4 times then was diagnosed with Cancer. After fighting Cancer for two years, she passed away. And yes, I felt bad for being so excited over my deal when I learned the story, but Nancy said her sister had been gone for four years and this has just been sitting in her closet. She is getting ready to move and was downsizing and decided she would never use it because she bought one herself at the same time.
It came with a cartridge for fonts. Alexis, my 10 year old granddaughter, helped me figure it out and we played with it last night. She fell in love with it. She decided to make Colby, my 4 year old grandson and her brother, a sign for his room for Halloween. She picked out everything she wanted to say and what paper and did the whole thing by herself. She is addicted to it now. We are already planning future projects.
I have a wonderful friend, Jenna, who just sent me a Facebook message this morning to come by her work and she is loaning me her cartridges to play with for a few days so I can try some things. I am heading to Joann's today to get some scrapbook paper. Very, very excited to start learning about all the things I can do with my Cricut.