I would like to take you back to the middle of May of this year. My grandson, Caleb, turned 11. He and his Daddy took the day off together to go fishing. He had received birthday money in the amount of $120.00 from family members. He and Daddy headed out to Bass Pro Shop to get Caleb a new fishing pole.

On the way in, the local Shriners were holding one of their paper drives. Caleb stopped his Daddy and said "I want to make a donation." So they walked up to one of the men they knew, Gene, and Caleb pulled out his $120 and put it in the donation bucket. I am sure his Daddy's jaw dropped. He questioned Caleb and reminded him he had just put his entire birthday money in the bucket. Caleb said he knew and that he wanted to do it because it would help some other boy or girl somewhere and that he didn't need it. The Shriner Gene also questioned him and asked if he was sure. Caleb never flinched or thought twice about it. To this day, he still feels good about what he did.
So, Tuesday night, we were all invited to the local Shriner meeting and we all loaded up and headed out for the meeting.
At the end of the meeting The Imperial Potentate told Caleb's story and called him up and presented him with a plaque for his generosity and caring heart. He got a standing ovation. It was a very proud moment for his parents and his grandparents.
Of course we had to do the family photo shoot. His Daddy loves his children but he does not like photo shoots. I had to settle for one without a Daddy smile.
It was a gorgeous plaque and he was so excited to get home and hang it up.
He was definitely walking on cloud nine.