I'm happy to say that I got back on track this week with my weight loss program. I was able to walk almost everyday, some days more than others. I didn't actually "walk" today, but I did go to Duck Duck Goose. It is in the old Kmart in Knoxville and I walked back and forth over the entire store for 3 hours. My feet hurt, my legs hurt, my back hurts so I would say that can count as exercise.
They say when you are trying to lose weight to only weigh yourself once a week. I disagree. When I step on the scales and see they have not moved or they have went down 1/2 pound or a pound, it gives me more incentive for the next day. If I wait several days and I feel like I should have lost and nothing moves. I get depressed and want to just eat. But if I stay the same everyday and see it is the same every day, it makes me push myself harder and reminds me daily why I'm doing this. That may not work for everybody, but a daily remind of what my weight is provides EXTREME motivation.
I did get a little out of control with the Junior Mints this week. I need to take the candy dish off my desk. Not only do they add to the weight problem, but they aggravate my acid reflux. However, doctors recommend that dark chocolate is healthy for you in some ways.
I've been cutting down the portions on my meals. This is hard to do when my hubby makes my favorite food, but I have been strong.
I haven't implemented anything new this week. I'm sticking with the "drink more water, eat breakfast, cut down on everything and walking." I'll see how that goes then experiment with something new next week.
Hope everybody has a great weekend.