I had a fantastic, relaxing weekend. My granddaughters spent the night Friday night. They watched Frozen in the living room with me and Papaw. We had never seen it before but they have watched it a bazillion times. The movie was a great movie, but the girls performing all the songs during it was the best part. Made my night.
The girls and I headed out Saturday morning to do a little shopping. We had breakfast at the Waffle House. It was delicious as always. But breakfast is so enjoying sitting across from these cuties.
Lunch was at Wendy's. They had each bought a new pair of sunglasses earlier in the day. So they were in full "pop star" mode.
I know I'm probably biased, but I think I have two of the cutest granddaughters ever.
I dropped them both off at their homes later that afternoon. As I was dropping off Shelby, her Daddy got a fire call. When I pulled into the grocery store on my way home, I could see the smoke in the distance. The fire was at the flea market about 5 minutes from the store.
It was one of the tire sheds that had went up in flames. The firefighters were able to contain it so it didn't spread to the main structure. But it pretty much destroyed the sheds in that area.

Sunday morning we learned a new song in Children's Church. It was a catchy tune and I caught myself singing it all day yesterday.
There was a young man at our church that morning from Minnesota. He is hiking his way across the U.S. He had stopped to see the Great Smoky Mountains since it is on his list of places he wants to see. Say a quick prayer for him if you will that he has a safe journey.
After church, I was in a baking mood. I don't know why I haven't been in a while. I normally bake every weekend. But I haven't lately. I made these muffins. There official title was "Muffins that take like Donuts." I will be posting the recipe tomorrow. But if you make them, beware. They have a tendency to just pop right off the plate and into your mouth. At least that is my story and I'm sticking to it. They are so good that you can't eat just one.
Sunday night we had The Freedom Quartet in concert. They are awesome. One of the best base singers I have heard in a long time.
Now it is Monday and time to go back to work. My mind is clear and rested and raring to go. But my body keeps saying "Do I have to?" Oh well, such is Monday.